Love the look -New Design

" Although, I still need my down comforter and my heat keeps kicking on, I am VERY ready for the ease of Spring and Summer dressing! Th..."

Selamat siang kawan Home Design Made kali ini admin bakal membuat artikel yang berjudul Love the look -New Design, karena kemarin admin telan membuat artikel yang membahas tips lainnya seperti di atikel dan berikut adalah artikel yang membahas Love the look -New Design,,oke deh langsung saja berikut tips Love the look -New Design.

Although, I still need my down comforter and my heat keeps kicking on, I am VERY ready for the ease of Spring and Summer dressing! There is something freeing and comforting about throwing on a pretty dress in the morning. I was inspired by the simplicity of the two dresses in the images above.  This look can take you from day to evening and I've shared a couple versions. One, a bit more playful than the other! Cheers to it being Thursday!! It's been a LONG week around here, last night was so hectic and I was so famished after my son's lax game, I broke down and inhaled a Wendy's cheese burger with him! (not exactly beach body food I know) Thanks as usual for stopping in. xoxoxo 


* - Beautycounter is having a great special. When you spend $150 or more you'll receive a lip gloss in the color of your choice. I wear peony!! This is one of BEST I have ever used - trust me.

via Design

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