Day dreaming-New Design

"As the adage goes: Time flies when you are having fun. It seems in the blink of an eye my Bahamas get away is over and I am back in snowy Bo..."

Selamat siang kawan Home Design Made kali ini admin bakal membuat artikel yang berjudul Day dreaming-New Design, karena kemarin admin telan membuat artikel yang membahas tips lainnya seperti di atikel dan berikut adalah artikel yang membahas Day dreaming-New Design,,oke deh langsung saja berikut tips Day dreaming-New Design.

As the adage goes: Time flies when you are having fun. It seems in the blink of an eye my Bahamas get away is over and I am back in snowy Boston! I am however thankful I was able to steal away with Matty for a bit. We all need time to rest and rejuvenate. I am continually inspired by my travels. I often look to these memories as inspiration for my work...

I do however look forward to my blogging! So here goes it.

I came across this relaxed yet cohesive young family's home in Elle Decor today. I often dream of building a house, in fact I hope to make that a reality some day.....There are a number of elements seen here that I too would use....The ship lap, black window frames and light wood floors are just a few items on the top of my list. Cheers and happy Tuesday! xx

All images via Elle Decor.  Interior Design: Tamara Magel. Photos:  Rikki Snyder

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Kesimpulan artikel ini adalah "As the adage goes: Time flies when you are having fun. It seems in the blink of an eye my Bahamas get away is over and I am back in snowy Bo..."

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