Selamat siang kawan Home Design Made kali ini admin bakal membuat artikel yang berjudul My home - Exterior paint choices-New Design, karena kemarin admin telan membuat artikel yang membahas tips lainnya seperti di atikel dan berikut adalah artikel yang membahas My home - Exterior paint choices-New Design,,oke deh langsung saja berikut tips My home - Exterior paint choices-New Design.

Hello, hello...So glad to be able to sit and blog today! I shared this photo of my kiddos on insta the other day. We had just gotten back from flag football, hence my son's sweaty forehead! The gallery wall is also a work in progress but the real story here is I'm finally getting new windows and redoing the front of my little ranchola!! I can't wait to dive in and paint the facade, the problem is, it's a simple home architecturally but I still want it to look gorgeous. I thought I'd share my thoughts, feel free to chime in on what you like for color schemes!! I will share paint chip ideas tomorrow. I can make decisions for my clients no problem but for my own home?? Not so much. Thoughts?? xx
Body of the house:
- I am either going with 1. White or 2. Pale Grey
Here are some nice examples. The next question is to add shutters back on or go without. I am leaning towards shutters. I typically love white houses with black shutters on classic homes but I am not sure how I feel about it on my home.
White facade:
White with grey shutters (this is soft and pretty)
Warm white with blue grey shutters
Pale Grey with black shutters:
(this cape is adorable)
Now onto the door color choice. I currently have a black door. I love glossy black doors but because my house is simple, I think I'd like to differentiate it with a pop of color on the door. I am also not married (as most of you know) so I am not dealing with a guy's opinion either. I currently have a black storm door with a glass insert. (which I absolutely need in Boston during the cooler months)
Door choices
(it will be in a high gloss paint)
A rich glossy blue (not navy)
Glossy black - my entrance is far from this stunning!!
(this shade is pretty perfect)
Pale blue
, disini kamu juga bisa menemukan semua tips yang sudah admin pilihkan untuk kamu seperti : asuransi, prudential indonesia, asuransi prudential, asuransi kesehatan, asuransi pendidikan, asuransi mobil, asuransi sinar mas, pengertian asuransi, asuransi jiwa, asuransi indonesia
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