Selamat siang kawan Home Design Made kali ini admin bakal membuat artikel yang berjudul Cultivating Closeness in a World Gone Global- New Design, karena kemarin admin telan membuat artikel yang membahas tips lainnya seperti di atikel dan berikut adalah artikel yang membahas Cultivating Closeness in a World Gone Global- New Design,,oke deh langsung saja berikut tips Cultivating Closeness in a World Gone Global- New Design.
When clients come forward to seek help with an addition or renovation, the first question I ask is, "Why?" Often they have outgrown their space or their family dynamic has changed, but I've noticed a growing trend that I expect to see continue. Families want a home that fosters intimacy. In a world where it is not uncommon for every family member to have their own bedroom, their own bathroom and separate living spaces for kids and adults, where electronic devices invade every area of our lives and face to face interactions are limited to say the least; families long for a home that cultivates closeness.This project is one such example. The size of the existing home was not too small, the master bedroom was already on the main level and the kitchen was open and appealing. However, the home was missing a link that would draw the family together and also provide a retreat for the adults where the hectic pace of life could be left at the door.
Kitchens are the hubs of our homes and the existing kitchen in this home was already very nice, but it needed some tweaks to make it work more efficiently and to serve the specific needs of this family. We were able gain some extra space by "borrowing" from the existing master bedroom which we were converting into a new family gathering space. The additional width gave us room for a true working island with seating.
New cabinets were built to match the existing and we reused many of the existing appliances. The unique backsplash tiles were salvaged and reused and the wide plank heartwood pine floors were patched and repaired as needed.
A peninsula was removed that separated the breakfast space from the kitchen allowing the two spaces to become one. Openings to the new family room were added off the kitchen where the family could relax and gather together in an intimate, casual space.

We were also able to add a walk-in pantry, powder room and enlarge the laundry room by re-purposing the existing master bathroom and laundry. The new pantry provides ideal organization and the perfect area for meal prep, planning and staging.
A new master suite was then added onto the side of the home which helped to balance the massing of the house and provide a cherished retreat complete with vaulted master bedroom, private vestibule, rustic study and dream-like bathroom.
The dramatic ceilings and creative touches of detail were coupled with rustic design elements to create a balanced retreat and beautiful master suite.
from Kustom Home Design
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